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Friday, February 24, 2006

المال العام ووزارة الاسكان


في محاولة للإحابة على ســؤال لإحدى "زائرات" هذه المدونة عن شـــيخ بحر عثرتُ على هذا المقال الذي يستحق إنتشــاراً و نقاشــاً يليق بمادته
" كشف سعادة وزير الأشغال و الإسكان في لقاءه الأخير مع أهالي منطقة الحد عن حقائق مفجعة و أرقام فاحشة تعد بمئات الملايين من الدنانير تصرف من خزينة الدولة أو بالا حرى من المال العام إن صح التعبيير
و في رده ( أي الوزير) على ما أثير بشأن إجراءات الوزارة للحد من الاستيلاء على الأراضي أفاد بأننا في دولة القانون و لا يجوز أن نقول ” استيلاء” لان الدولة هي من يخصص الأراضي لمن يستحق ” .. ا
و بأنه قد صدر الأمر إلى وزارة شئون البلديات و الزراعة باستملاك الجزء الغربي من شارع الحوض الجاف و بتعويض أصحابها بتعويضات عادلة ..!!! ومصطلح بالتعويضات العادلة مفاده سعر السوق الحالي إن صح التعبير
وإما بخصوص موضوع استملاك الأراضي الواقعة غربي شارع الحوض الجاف و التي صدر الأمر بأستملاكها تحت مسمى بتعويضات عادلة…فهذا أيضا بحاجة إلى وقفة جريئة و حاسمة من أصحاب القرار السياسي …فهذه الأراضي و التي قد تبلغ مساحتها 18 مليون قدم مربع و تكلفتها الافتراضية لأجل التعويضات بما يقارب 221 مليون دينار و التي كانت في الأصل مجرد مكرمات و هبات من قبل الديوان الملكي .. و هذه الأخيرة ستكون عبأ ثقيلا غير مبرر على الميزانية العامة أو المال العام إن صح التعبير ..!!! أ
إقرأ الموضوع كاملاً في مدونة الأستاذ خــالد
و ربما حاولتَِ أيضاً قراءة أســئلته التي وجهها في أغسطس الماضي


الإسكــان: غالبية أراضي البحرين الآن خاصة

قال وكيل وزارة الأشغال والإسكان لشئون الإسكان والإدارة المهندس محمد خليل السيد إن غالبية الأراضي في البحرين اليوم «خاصة«، ما يضع الوزارة في مشكلة حقيقية لتوفير أراض لإقامة مشروعات سكنية عليها

وذكر أن الحل الوحيد يتمثل في استرجاع تلك الأراضي عبر استملاكها، وهو ما تفوق تكلفته بكثير كلفة دفان الأراضي البحرية مدللا على ذلك بأن استملاك 51 هكتارا في الحد كلف الوزارة 80 مليون دينار في حين تبلغ تكلفة دفان 70 هكتارا لمشروع المدينة الشمالية 66 مليونا فقط!ا
وأشار إلى أن الوزارة وبالتعاون مع وزارة شئون البلديات والزراعة تعمل حاليا على استملاك أراض في السهلة، عالي، نويدرات، الحد بعد أن تم تشخيص مشكلة نقص الأراضي في بعض المناطق بالبلاد



SillyBahrainiGirl said...

Hey! I have been really happy since His Majesty the King's interview with the editors-in-chief of local newspapers, that every Bahraini will get a piece of land. I was feeling elated and ecstatic. I was in fact floating and in my silly head, even drew up plans for my dream house, with verandas, climbing plants, fountains and a swimming pool with a floating bar, which serves halal beverages and shakes for all the believers out there!

Why do you have to dampen our mood every other day Dr Khalaf?

What do you mean when you wrongly imply that there is no land in Bahrain? Where did all the land go? What about all the empty stretches, with small brick boundaries around them?

la la la .. I still will have my dream house and promised land. THE PROMISED LAND.. hehe .. isn't this another myth?

Admin said...

who gets all the so-called reclaimed land?

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

reclaimed land?? emmmmmmmm... that's a tough question Eyes!

Your guess is as good as mine, Dr Khalaf's and all the unbelievers out there!

Admin said...

Please leave a small piece of the land for our whacko

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

The Whacko is long gone.. I think.. If I am in my right mind to believe media reports!!

Why are we being side-tracked here? Is there or isn't there land in Bahrain to sustain an "exploding" population?!

And what about the Promised Land? Do I continue dreaming or do I stop defying gravity and fall flat on my face?

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

And .. who's Shaikh Ba7ar?

Now I am confused.

At first I thought it was a fisherman (perhaps - dunno) from a village, who promised people things and didn't keep his word.. The Bahar reference threw me over board!

Now my overactive mind is fast-forwarding and rewinding..

But what I can't understand is you being fooled by his promises.

The question remains.. who is Shaikh Ba7ar?

Consider me thick.. but I am so curious eventhough I am fully aware that curiousity killed the cat.

I am ready to give up silly for cat for the time-being even as I see the uneventful end!

AbuRasool said...
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AbuRasool said...

SBG! You probably missed something in that famous royal interview.
HM stated that his father, the late sheikh Isa, has appropriated lands around each village in Bahrain. That act was not motivated by greed (god forbids) but by shrewed foresightedness.

Sheikh Isa, HM's father, actually had the most altruistic reason you could think of. He, bless his soul, took over all those lands, registered them as his own private property for one good reason: in order to give villagers plots of lands whence they needed an extra plot of land to build a new matem, a new mosque, ... (Now I know why Umm al Na3saan - an island nearly as big as Muharraq - is a private royal property. Who knows when do we need to build a new mosque, or a new matam)

That was a piece of information revealed during that royal interview that makes my heart aches of gratitude.

Nobody, I mean nobody at all, would have guessed sheikh Isa's real motives. Least of all those, like myself, dumb enough to constrain our search for knowledge by only considering facts on the grounds and not intentions.

Since reading and re-reading that interview (I also watched it on Bahrain TV) I feel really humbled. I was, I am, I will remain forever, overwhelmed.

As for your own dream of a "house, with verandas, climbing plants, fountains and a swimming pool with a floating bar, which serves halal beverages and shakes for all the believers out there". Keep dreaming. It is not good to give up.

BTW , do you know that it was 1968 (one-nine-six-eight) that I filed my first application for a house in Isa town? I kept renewing that application for many years since then.

Please SBG follow my example: never give up your dreams!

SillyBahrainiGirl said...


Funny world! Had you got your Isa Town house, we would have been neighbours!!

Everytime it rained, the neighbourhoods would flood, making Isa Town the smallest town with the largest concentration of lakes in the world.

I used to tease my sisters and tell them that we lived in Switzerland! Whereelse do you get a lake at your doorstep!!

And yes! I will hang on to that dream. I will have my dream house in Bahrain one day.. even if all the lands are gobbled up and eaten for dinner by the boogyman!

And we'll have a pool party!! Yey!